Really struggling with this one. The letters I have for the name are BL??C???RM Blanche? Also cannot find anything for 14a. ALP?STO, I realise that one of these may not be true, but even taking that...
Last two Fore-and- aft sail lowered round sloop's stern. No word length given, but I suspect it's 3 letters. Fan? Flashers move fast with cops around? Not half. ??ares.
I have solve about half of the clues, but cannot work out the instructions given by the "sloped off" letters. I have in?lu??put?tsa?ion???or?diagonal. Are these letters correct so far? Any help...
I have solved about half of the numbered clues but don't understand how the unumbered clues can read across left to right. Is the "seasonal show" to do with pantomimes or sales? Help
It's not draining completely, had this problem once before and consulted the manual which showed us, by pressing a certain combination of programmes it would resolve the problem, and it did....