8 across ???m???a?t officer in charge of a military unit 10 16 across ?????m???i? lacking confidence in the future 11 25 across ??c??? urge or stir up 6 13 down ??????a??? unable to live in brine 10...
10 across ???r?c of a measureing scale 6
12 across ???p group of tents 4
1 down ?u????? Digit 7
6 down ?e?g?t?e?d unaffected by gravity 10
19 down ?e?n?e? dirtied polluted 7
8 across ???f???e?? satisfaction 10
10 across ???r?? of a measuring scale 6
3 down ???????e unseen danger for motorists 5,3
28 across t?a?l?a??? head of a working party 4,6
does any one have any words fitted that can star me off as just can`t fit one word in this week or give me a couple of numbers with there letters thanks...