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Just been out to walk the dog in the fields behind my house, by the coast on the Somerset levels and heard a Cuckoo, just wondered how many others here had also heard one or seen one yet this year?...
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Grew 3 types of tomato outdoors in pots last year -gardeners delight, ailsa craig and alicante. Had very good crops from all 3 but the skins were very tough and the insides were very soft flesh and no...
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I am currently working on a camp in the dessert with no wife, girls or anything. Does anyone know any food types or drinks I can consume in order to make me less sexually aroused? Its torture at the...
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I think my water meter has been stolen. Has this happened to anyone, and what happened? Did the water company charge to fit a replacement?
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they are flowering but they are not fruiting.
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hi, I'm looking for a nice place to take my girlfriend on her birthday for a nice meal....oh sorry I live in London so somewhere in London or sorounding counties please
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My friend and I are going to try lunch at Bluebird soon because it has good vegetarian options and not just risotto! Can anyone recommend other mainstream restaurants in London that cater well for...
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Is there a French version of "Hello!" magazine. If so, what is it called, and where can it be bought in the UK?
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guys, I read a recent article somewhere on net that stated thus "Possibility of an Ice Free Arctic this summer is very high"... How plausible this scenario is?
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Does anyone know where I can buy a white denim jean jacket? (Not cropped - proper length). M&S is full of white denim jeans but not a matching jacket to be found. Other shops ditto.
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Does anyone know the date of this year's Serpentine Gallery Summer Party?
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Is it usual for the agent to charge VAT on top of the percentage fee - effectively increasing the percentage?
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AB Asks
There have been calls for the removal of payphones in towns and cities. Apparently payphone use has halved in three years, mainly because of the increasing numbers of mobile phones (70 million in the...
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Is L-Carnosine the same thing as L-Carnitine?
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hi. ok, last night at work there was this very pleasent man who i was chatting to, but the thing is, one of his eyes was looking to the side, ive known a few people like this but none as bad as this....
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does anyone else have trouble sleeping on a sunday night?
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Does anybody know where i can get a cheap preserving pan from?
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There used to be a restaurant in London with telephones at the tables and booths so you call call and chat to other people... but what was it called???
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What is the best way to support a 6ft high pyracantha hedge that has a tendency to flop over?
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Is there any proof that hanging your washing in fresh air is healthier than putting it a tumble dryer/ Does fresh air kill bugs or germs

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