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about a third through-need push 15a lose guide after replacement given major promotion 9 ??L?G???? 4d landing good guy with dunce 9S???R???D 13d rewrite resulted in a second madam bovary,say10...
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My daughter is studing really hard at Exeter University and is expected to move around at will, she has a 3 month placement in St Ives followed by another 3 months in Penrith can anyone tell me which...
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For occupation about to write ex president ?????N??? and is 23d wired said look out its booby trapped any ideas
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Stuck in left top hand corner so need a start In french a tense reportedly excluded from lessons ??????h? taught in it somewhere?
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Eastern country included in allies plans ?A???N?T?S any ideas?
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35d S?R???R??? (5,5) Split speech in two parts. Or have i got something wrong?
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what has everyone been doing with this weekends competitions? no way will they be there by friday.
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31ac late night vigil endind in pretty gardens surrounded by water ?Y?E?A?? 27d in tyneside key swallowed by fish that has only one eye N???L? Tel 2399 29ac attack and you shoot R?S? Julie
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6d robot ---o-g 9d dangerous -I-E- 13a at work (2, 4) -N -U--
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Stuck for two Who possibly could be caught breaking into house ?O?T?R looter? Speed of boat limited with river swirling around dock ?N?T?E?D knotweed if so why?any ideas?Julie
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One has a handle on what scotsman wears under his kilt (5,3) S?E?N??? Any ideas folks?
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assuming 15 downis rain cloud? what is 25 across? is careless and is about to crash? (4) n??? THANKYOU
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for putting bun in the oven relative sacked ?a?i?g want to put baking get backing bit but why relative?any ideas?
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18ac Under influence in speech? its material. --e-e 18d Relations held by USA tortured in secret. (3,4) ends in A. 55AC. British green surrounded by bloody working class. (9) 34d Ancient leader in...
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can you look at my earlier posting julie
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14a H???O?O?E?T?I?? (4,2,3,6) Brother keeping mum on in sheltered housingwith phone is not to give up dwelling.
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Need a kick start! unsuitable maiden unfortunately absorbing for naval officer(10)midshipman if so why any ideas?
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I've just opened the crossword for today to see that I've won for last week's effort --- which wasn't easy either. That's the second time in as many months, so it can be done. I do the crossword for...
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49a Mayfair member - one of the Tory wets? (4) ?i?p is it wimp? if so, what has Mayfair member got to do with it? I'd be grateful for any help.
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Stuck on the last two 41D Cut short trip and so retreat northwards (9) T?U?N???S 54 A Turn up ends regularly adjusted T?U?? (5)

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