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http://www.rte.ie/news/2009/0820/andersong.htm l The rule applies to Alcoholics Speaking on the news , his father's arguement is that his son is not an alcoholic . Do you think that an exception...
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New figures reveal that Britain will have to pay ?2.3 Billion more to the EU next year. The hike was of course triggered by the grinning used car salesman Blair when he gave back the hard won rebate...
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http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/aug/21/af ghanistan-british-soldiers-killed The foreign secretary, David Miliband, has hailed the "enormous bravery" of the Afghan people who defied Taliban...
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http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/12176 3/-A-disgrace-as-Ed-Balls-goes-absent SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls was at the centre of a storm last night for remaining on holiday on the day the A-level...
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After recent occurrences - Lockerbie killer set free, convicted paedophile prescribed Viagra, etc. etc. What's going on? Are ordinary, civilised British persons, in the eyes of the rest of the...
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-120759 2/Mass-graves-used-autumn-bout-swine-flu.html Isn't this an over-reaction? I think so. (By the way, the Mail isn't the only paper covering the story).
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In a nutshell what outcome in these elections are the USA/UK and the western allies hoping for and what if they don`t get it?
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Stand by for the upcoming rigged elections which will ensure our troops' continued presence in Afghanistan for many years to come. How many more British dead before these people can get their act...
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Would you be comfortable being searched by a "gender bender copper" ? Or would they be too worried about laddering their tights or smudging their lipstick than breaking up a fight? Waste of, or good...
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Lockerbie bomber being released on compassionate grounds.Where was his compassion when he helped do the bombing.? I hope he dies a long and painful death.
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http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/ 08/12/immigrant-camp-hit-by-scabies-fear-11587 5-21590776/ come on in...just what we need to improve britain...according to labour
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http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/eu rope/article6793574.ece
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Well......come on, be honest, did they really need to rush off home because of a perceived but unspecific threat? Aren't the Scots, as well as all the other teams, just as much "in danger" as was the...
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1204931/Samantha-Orobator-pregnant-British -woman-jailed-Laos-heroin-trafficking-arrives- Heathrow.html Another example of what I said in an earlier...
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http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/ed ucation-news/britain-pledges-16385bn-boost-for -education-in-war-zones-1767910.html ?8.5bn to be spent on Education? No not in this country, you've...
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So, you're driving down the M3 near Luton, and you see a number of Sikh women and kids on the hard shoulder standing away from a coach which is on fire. Do you a) pull over to see if you can help b)...
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http://tinyurl.com/nlvymn Yep it's another belter from the religion of peace!
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http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8142047.stm Do we as "Joe Public" have a right to know what politicians + "celebs" are twittering on about? Do "the authorities" need to know? Is it a breach of personal...
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http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090707/tuk-immig rants-don-t-top-housing-list-6323e80.html
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Doctors are now claiming that two cups of coffee a day can reverse the effects of Alzheiwer's desease. ( Express Mon. 06 july ) It is also claimed that 500 mg of Caffeine is contained in these two...

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