One last question to finish - 33d Rural deity in roman mythology represented as a man with the ears horns and hindquarters of a goat (4 letters) - A - N thanks in advance!
6d x-ray of the brain especially one taken after some of the spinal fluid has been replaced with air or oxygen to improve contrast (13 letters) E _ C _ P _ A _ O _ R _ _ thanks in advance for any help...
Last one causing problems - 22a in computing a movable three-dimensional image that represents a person in a virtual reality environment or in cyberspace (6 letters) - V - T - R - thanks in advance...
Sunday Express - struggling for these answers - 25a a mexican dish made of minced meat mixed with crushed maize and seasonings etc T - M - L - (6 letters), 32a informal italian restaurant (9 letters)...
Last two to complete this - any help appreciated - 24a blue peter pet of the late seventies and eighties - O - D - E (6 letters), 28a edible sea fish with a large spot and spiny dorsal fin (4.4) - O -...
Cannot get the following two - any help appreciated. 35a spoken or done without preparation from latin 'out of the time' (9 letters) E - - E - - O - E 34d non-SI unit of radioactivity equal to...
Last one to complete this crossword - help needed - 47a name formerly given to a sailor from the east indies (6 letters) L - S - A R - thanks in advance!
Just two I'm stuck on - any help appreciated - 18a poetic term meaning to adorn with gems gleaned from clams or oysters (7 letters) I - - E - R - 55d another name for isopleths the lines on a map...
Last one to complete this - any help appreciated - 29a "emparadised in one another's arms/the happier ---- (4 letters) John Milton Paradise Lost (1667) bk.4.1.505 - D - N thanks in advance!
Stuck on last two - any help appreciated - 10a to change the arrangement or pattern (8 letters) R - D - - I - N 14d of or situated in the middle (6 letters) M - D - - L thanks in advance!
One last question to finish - any help appreciated - 10a English winner of the 2011 Indianapolis 500 dubbed the most important race in history (3.7 D _ N _ H _ L _ O _ thanks in advance!