8a Dirty ground (4) 11a A tie in poor condition (6) D----- 15a. Blessing idols before finale (7) -O----- Thank you very much. This one a bit of a tough cookie!
After rubyroses related post below I remembered I needed to look something up but cant remember for life of me either of their names. Have looked on Waterloo Road Site but cant find her in characters...
Tried my hand at this puzzle and have got all except the following for which I am seeking some hints/clues, please! 17a: Scot's interjection, seeing strke outside a hotel ( 5 )= HAIT? 20a: Socialite...
5D. Glossy French sauce made with ruox of butter and flour and blended with stock (7) A - L - U - E 17A. Philosophical study of moral values 'the good life' - - H - C - (6) 17d. One of the seven...
Anyone else finding this a bit tricky? I got the top lh corner out ok and some of bottom rh corner but stuck after that. Would someone please help with 15d "Film maker's pitch "Silly b u g g e r...
Ive just been looking at the Madeline Mccann Fund website and cant help but wonder what is so special about Madeline compared to all the other children that go missing in this world, that she gets all...