Final few clues i'm stuck on, can anyone help solve? EXAMPLE- Sly Giggles = Snickers. Money Making Royalty = Frankie Vaughan Wanted It = Good Chidren Get These = Noisy Insect = Musical Bard = Easily...
1-Bread in high places (4 2 3 5) 2-Guard Puppy (8) 3-Oriental finishers (10) 4-Certain Parents will hold them (4 7 2 4'2) 5-Could be top house in the country (3 5 6) 6-Flying Squad (3 6) 7-Metal Team...
4d your grandad, he can be crude but effective (5,3,5) 13d the italian passion adding value to show (10) 2d prohibit open spaces above hot country (10) ?????a?e??
25 d. Us Stimulus... I cannot seem to find it. I have the following letters: e-t-e-i-g-n. 19 a. Bits of food left: I have: o-t- 39 d. spectators at court tennis match. I have -e-a-s. Would be grateful...
quite a few to get this time. can anyone help please. coil of ribbon RO?L?A? elaborate vocal run M?L?S?A impression on coin IN??SE norse warrior ???A?G beer-fermenting vessel C?R?O? refuse at...
2d isolated parts of cornwall. [s?i?l? i?l??] 24d office tool. s?a?l??? machine. 27d cuisine , southern north america . [?e? m?r] 29d tester of metals. [ ??s???r] 3d Height above a given level....
Can anyone help please? I just can't my head around these two clues. I have thought and thought about them but drawn a blank. Any help is most appreciated. 43. Has knowledge, I hear, of disreputable...
2. initially six has a side (5) 8. a second class loan (5) 12. intense effort (6) 16. sounds as though excessive crying causes this (9) 17. american t.v. series (4) 19. destroy by fire (4)
Anyone help with these please? 1 Susan,Ana back the Pina (6) 2 Valzacci's partner and Violetta's confidente (6) 3 A santa from Kazakhsran? (6) Many thanks