1D Work time? Almost put away handle (7) _P_R_T_
OPERATE? I see can see OP being 'work' and ATE being 'put away' otherwise baffled - help appreciated!...
Doing okay on the left-hand-side. Need a jump start on the right, please. 25a House of Lords possibly has reserve that's handy for a peer (10) C?A??????? 6d Lack of interest in body that's very large...
Completely stuck! Political party talker for volatile type not keen on power sharing (7,5) and Merely want Trump’s inauguration top wear to show “Blow me” (4,5,4) Any help greatly appreciated!...
28a "Quite lacking obstruction, having an erection is relentless (2, 3-2)"
seems to be NO LET-UP but other than UP (obviously!) and the whole thing meaning 'relentless' I can't parse it...!...