I watched Casper sometime over Xmas and I really love the song played at Cat's party when she and Casper are dancing but I dont have a clue what it is. Any ideas?
On the advert for the maximum bass Ministry of Sound album there is a song i love, i dont know wat its called or who its by, or even any of the words, i think its the 1st song on the ad, it sort of...
saw this flm bout football, think it called green machine? It has Eliah wood in it? Well i really wanna know wh is theactress who plays Elijah's sister? What else has she been in?Its driving me mad!...
where can i download series 2 of Lost? Ive tried on Limewire but it always says that the file isnt compatible with windows player? Also, when is series 2 showing in the UK?
im 22 and have no debts at all, when i was 18 my bank (Nationwide) offered me a debit card, i declined as i didnt need it at the time, however, now i cannot get 1 as i have no credit history. I have...
i heard that the person in Home and Away that Amanda owes money to is some guy called Josh West who used to be in the show? I stopped watching 4 a few years so i guess i missed him, but whats his...
saw a bit of cduk yeserday (24th feb) and there was really good song near the end, it was a male group, sort of rock, i really like the song, ne1 know who it was and title? Sorry 2 be so vague!!!