I've been driving past a house for nearly ten years now. In all that time, no one has ever lived there and there has never been a For Sale sign up on it. Though the house is pretty run down, I think...
I was recently refused my medical appeal for ESA when I was almost certain I would win. On the specific report on me, the way the medical descriptor was phrased meant I qualified, without a doubt, but...
I'm wondering if keyboards now have the ability to play downloaded sounds, like Plug-ins you get online of orchestras, grand pianos, saxophones, etc. My keyboard is ancient. The piano sound is little...
Book, signature, secret. Ans. (6) _E_I_E
Examples: Apron, dress, HMS: Pinafore
High, sun, pay: Rise
This is the last one in my puzzle and I can't get it!
I bought a T-50 stapler on eBay recently. Then I bought a box of 10mm staples for it. Though the stapler appears to be working fine, it won't discharge the staples - it looks like the hammer isn't...
I once saw a documentary/film on either channel 4 or More 4 about 6 months ago which was hilarious. All I remember about it is its about an American guy, he goes on dates then he ends up taking a load...
I love listening to other peoples choices of music ,I don't mean the obvious tracks ,I mean .,that little gem that you really thought should have made it.or at the very least a Band or song that hits...
Does anyone know if there is any software out there that I can play movie files (.avi, .wmv, .mpg) through and filter out unwanted frequencies?
Does anyone know the title of an American drama which featured high school students planning an end of year concert ? The film ends in tragedy when one of the students (a loner type) plunges over a...
I posted a while back but only had a couple of words. Since then I've heard the song again and managed to scribble down a few more lyrics. NOTE: These lyrics may be incomplete and/or some words may be...
What is the deal with aspect ratios? I've bought two DVDs recently -- Total Recall and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. On the back of both DVDs it says the aspect ratio is 1:85 witht he little widescreen...
Possibly a butterfly (8) This is the only one I can't get. To give you an example of what sort of questions these are, here are two others I already got.... Jungle Book Hypnotist (6) Python Pester (6)...
Most of the questions on this Bird-related quiz I got were just anagrams, though some were more tricky like: From Tellurium and Radon (4) The answer was in their chemical abbreviation Te and Rn. This...
Anyone know this song? All the lyrics I know are these la la la's sang in a very dreamy, trippy way by a female. There was a snippet of it in Blair Witch 2, but it's been in lots of other TV and film....
Most of the questions on this Bird-related quiz I got were just anagrams, though some were more tricky like: From Tellurium and Radon (4) The answer was in their chemical abbreviation Te and Rn. This...
I've bought a few Iron Maiden albums on CD recently and though they're enhanced they won't play on my PC. When I try to play them a window comes up saying I need at least 3Mb of free disc space to...
I am looking for the name of a movie that I think was made in the sixties. It is about a family who deceides to sell their house, buy a camper, and go to live in a community in the wilderness. There...
Went to see this film on Friday and loved it, would really recommended it - It has so much swearing in though, which actaully makes it funnier, but i just wondered if there is a away of finding out...
Does anyone know what the music is in 'Me, Myself & Irene' when Charlie turns into Hank for the very first time? Its after the woman in the supermarket cuts in front of him and plays when he leaves...