Last one. 1 across. Clue: Dope enjoyed consuming bit of roast (4). I have: D?U? I presume it's DRUG (dope). Bit of roast R in DUG-enjoyed as in beatnik speak but I an not convinced as it seems a bit...
Really struggling with this one! 1a)Greener type of diesel engine (6,3,6) S?u?s?/??p/???t?? and 14d)Larvae of this beetle feed on woollen fabrics (6,3) S?r?e?/??? would be a big help please, thanks a...
I am not 100% sure but I think they have given the solution to Saturday's Cryptic in today's paper. I have thrown my Saturday paper in the recycling but the answers seem too familiar for my memory to...
Please don't send hate mail, but Sunday Telegraph "Enigmatic Variations 976", and Sunday Times "Mephisto 2656" prizes won in the same week is a bit rich even for me! Apologies to...
10a Tendency to cover same ground in rock formation (8) - a - e - - - t
9a Keep facing to north in English town with former castle (8) s - o - k - - -
Thanks for any thoughts!...
13 ac: Extremely terrible conflict about strikebreaker is a beastly thing (5,3) ???E? / R?T (I surmise "sewer rat" but how?)
11 dn: Bacon perhaps, and a drink outside The Queen (7) ???N?E?...
Last one and it's a blank A blank E one that has a zillion possibles.
25 down. Clue: Brewer's top beer is something bound to transport (4). I have: ?A?E....