Good evening! One of my better weeks this week, I think, with FIVE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz and FOUR out of five in the junior one...
British people have 546 words for being drunk... I think it's much more. Just think of any peice of furniture for a start... I was completely side boarded last night! over to you....
I appear to have been put on an emergency tax code because, after the number with the L, it says M1. I am very puzzled as to why this has happened as absolutely nothing has changed in my... ...
Good morning everyone - a hot one today, a bit windy and coming from the north .... not good at all, but we do have the promise of some rain tomorrow.....I'll be very surprised if it's true. I'm... ...
Do I block this woman? This girl I don't want to be friends with anymore she has deleted me on Facebook and keeps asking to meet up with her tomorrow and I'm out with another friend for brunch but... ...
Good evening, once again! A 'middle of the road' start for me this week, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz: . . . but I couldn't get to the... ...
If you block someone and tagged them in pics when you were friends does it automatically untag them? As my friend blocked her friend and now it not showing the friend she blocked isn't tagged... ...
Asking for a friend and I am so hoping someone will have an idea of what to expect in this scenario so I can give her some support: couple divorced 25 years ago after an 18 mth marriage (child... ...
Incase you forgot Katie is the one who hasn't bothered with me since she moved in with her partner. I don't know weather to do something with them for my birthday as I'm just thinking what to do... ...
Good morning everyone - it's a long weekend here, with a holiday Monday and for those who like it, the weather is going to be hot ....34+ and hopefully not too windy !! I'll be staying pretty much... ...
Hello again! With the first four answers correct in the main quiz, I was hoping to repeat my maximum score of 7 out of 7 from last week. Alas, that was as far as it went though 🙄 So that's FOUR... ...