Good morning everyone - and all the very best of Christmas wishes to all the KM family …..have a wonderful festive season and may Santa bring everything you wished for. Now for the links ….lots to go...
Here's the second part of Aunty Beeb's big annual quiz: I got a better score with this bit than I did in the first part, with NINE out of thirteen. (I suspect...
Good evening to one and all. There’s no Quiz of the Week from Aunty Beeb this week, due to the start of the big annual quiz. (See below). There’s no kids’ Newsround quiz either this week :( The Timed...
Emmie is back in hospital having broken her femur , she is very upset and sounding depressed ,she in the UCLH , I asked her permission before posting this, a terrible thing for her to be going through...
Good morning everyone - a beautiful weekend here, really looking forward to being outside in the sunshine …..around 28d for a couple of days then it’s going to cool down for the Christmas weekend...
Good evening, everyone. Mince pies seem to have boosted my brain power a bit, enabling me to start off this week’s session with a score of SIX out of seven in the main quiz:...
. . . leave too many carrots out for Santa's reindeer on Christmas Eve. Life isn't easy for an overweight reindeer!
Good morning everyone - I shouldn’t complain, at least the sun is shining but that wretched wind is back, tearing blossom, rose petals and young leaves off as it goes through the garden … least I...
Following on from my washing machine not working, it appears that I have a frozen pipe outside my annex which doesn't have lagging. None of the cold water taps work in the annex. The hot ones are fine...
Good morning everyone - ooh, it’s going to be quite a warm one here today, talking about 35d in the city …glad I’m not going anywhere :)) but luckily it won’t last, back to something civilised...
Hello again, everyone. So who’s already fed up of mince pies then? A middling start for me this week, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz: Only TWO out of...
Well after the soaps haha, it was good chatting to Gness the other night and others like Haz,Jourdain , Naomi , Lcg ,Margo ,Tora, Togo ,Arky and many more , really felt like the old AB , more of the...
Good morning everyone - and it’s a beautiful day here….the sun is shining, no wind at all and we have a few more of these to look forward to …..maximums in the 28d area I can handle !! New month, new...
Here are today’s shaded clues for you - 12d. Related to the German for ‘grass’ and ‘grow’ a colour of living plants. (5) 25d. A pendant, a precipice, a lemon- or pear- flavoured sweet etc. (4) 32d....
After yet another ridiculously short week, it's quiz time again! A 'middling' start for me this week, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz: 'Middling'...
I was sat here and for some unfathomable reason I thought about CRAFT1948 whom I haven't seen in a while. I did a search for her profile and it was exactly 3 years ago today she last looked in....
Good morning everyone - the day is fining up, could be a few nice ones to enjoy this week, it’ll probably go pear shaped after that but we’ll make the most of it !! Very slim pickings on the links...