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Answers are film titles. No24 joljoljoljol First floor thank you....
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I am seriously contemplating having solar panels on our roof together with a battery system. I know nothing about them. So could someone please tell what to look for in installers and how do I check...
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Just had a phone call from the Mail on Sunday.Won £100 on Codeword....
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The word OVER printed in lage letters...
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Stuck again! Help please 1a "searches, at length" 7 letters ????b?s 9a " Beetles mark muscles" 7 letters ????a?s 12a "Aliens back a city firm" 6 letters s??h?y 17d "writers hollow inside measure up" 5...
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Good morning everyone - and a pretty good one it is, too !! A change for a Saturday, the last few have been rather dire, but the sun is shining, very little breeze and my weeds are demanding attention...
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It’s Friday again and, as Tony is back from his hols at last, we can get back to what passes for ‘normality’ here ;-) The golf question caught me out in the main quiz but otherwise I had a smooth...
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1 Audrey pro - nearly supreme - west end musical (6, 8) ( 7,8) mmaybe Thanks in advance...
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14d top police advisor ends crime c?p?r...
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4a mature women in a band ???w up 8a seaweed turned smooth ?r?n 20a somebody crazy about fish ??n? 21a bold american lawyer on call d???n? 22a unctuous soldiers follow sergeant major ?m???y...
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Good morning everyone - sun is shining, no breeze to speak of, a lovely Winters day …..hope it stays like this, my weeds need attention. Interesting links, and probably challenging as well …. WHITE...
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It’s Friday evening again! For the small number of you who aren’t (a) out in your gardens, enjoying the sun ; (b) sitting in pub gardens, enjoying the sun ; or (c) recovering in a cool room somewhere,...
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JimF This is the only "question" I'm ever going to post on this site. It was ML's absolute favourite song and I just couldn't bring myself to post it last night....
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Just a couple this week. Hope you can assist. 1a "separate conclusion of study group" 5 letters ?art? 27a "a cold elf's fishnet ensemble" (2words) 11 letters t?e?n?f?l?s Hope you can solve tem for me....
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Lie-in King
Good evening everyone - I feel this should be the last of these threads in Mamya's name, but if one of the regulars feels able to keep a newly-named nightly music thread going, that would be nice, I...
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Lie-in King
It is with the utmost sadness & regret that I'm posting that Mamyalynne passed away this evening just before 6:00. She went peacefully, with myself, her daughter, son-in-law & grandson present. She...
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granny grump
Last 3 please can you help? Words/phrases with missing vowels 22. PHL LND DWNDL 24. LPR DCN TCHNG TSSPTS 34. PBL ND LLY...
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1) I K C E N S I H O T T 2) OT (large and in bold) 3) the word send written outside the top right corner of rectangle...
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Good morning everyone - rather grey and cool here, but after the wild and woolly stuff, it’s a pleasant change….I might even get outside to see if I have a garden left. :( Right, now for the links …....

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