Good evening all! Happy New Year! Firstly, left over from last week, we've got still two of the four parts of Aunty Beeb's big annual quiz to have a go at. I scored a somewhat mediocre SIX out of... ...
Any help appreciated. 2,3,5 letters. How offensive it is to put down poor Biden's ta-ta talk. ?N, ?A?, ????E 4 letters. As to preparing breakfast for bloodstock.... O??? 4 letters - may follow last... ...
Good morning everyone - well, the sun is shining, the breeze is cool and there's no heatwaves on the way just yet, so it all looks good for the start of the New Year !! The links today... ...
Good evening all! Somewhat later than I usual, I think, Aunty Beeb has finally got around to giving us the first two bits of her big annual news quiz. This link covers the events of January to... ...
A few more songs for you to puzzle over. Just a bit of fun for everyone on Chrismas Eve. Hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow. 1. WACIB 2. BC 3. SB 4. RATCT 5. ITMWTOTY 6. LC 7. AIWFCIY 8. ... ...
Good morning everyone - it's Christmas week so time to wish you all a joyous Christmas Day, enjoying with family and friends or however you celebrate 🥳 the day. Unlike most of you, I will be trying... ...
Either Aunty Beeb has decided to post her big (4-part) annual quiz later than usual or we're not getting one this year 🤔. There are just the usual two quizzes for us to have a go at this week. I... ...
Good morning everyone - quite pleasant here today, but warming up for tomorrow.....37d or thereabouts, hopefully no nasty northerlies, the country is very dry after no good winter rains so we have... ...