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It, and the bar it sits in have disappeared leaving just the system tray at the bottom of my screen. How can I restore it ? (wonder where it went) Any help ? Thanks in advance ........
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Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like? Brett: What? Jules: What country you from? Brett: What? Jules: What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What? Brett: What? Jules:...
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Is the meaning of life......then what is 26?
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Snowing heavily here and it's settling too! Looks really lovely!
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I am going to purchase a new tv and have about ?1200 to spend.I was going to buy a sony 46"4500 set but have discovered clouding issues with the screen even though it won the lcd tv of the year.Can...
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Read the book 100 interesting things to do with root vegetables by JR hartley
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super groups
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mine would be mobile phones...........
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legendis.god ure=related Do you ?
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Any ABers travelling along the west side of the M25 between Uxbridge and the M4 on New Year's Eve at about midnight. Did anyone see a long line of orange lights over West Drayton east of the motorway?...
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If a piece is written in three flats, which notes will be flat?
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outside my house, shall i ask what's up?
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Put a man's name in the top space, then a woman's in the one below it. Ignore the other 2 where it asks for email address then click on the visualize button !
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in the late seventies? any memories you'd like to share?
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Given that all matter in the universe came from the big-bang and time itself started at the big-bang, the state and location of stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in fact all matter in our universe today...
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Is the spinning of the earth an example of perpetual motion?
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I'll bet no one even noticed that I haven't been around. I have been poorly with Mr.FluBug. Well I want to know if you are all happy with what Santa brought you, or not as the case may be. So what I...
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Will probably be on my own over crimbo, anyone fancy calling round for a game of draughts or snap or something?
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below me but I am sure glad that it has just to show it up for what it is. Shane about the porsche innit
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How the **** you supposed to become a regular if the ***** won't let you in??

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