5d electrical activity from the cerebral cortex of a sleeping person a?p?a ?h?t?m 31d positive terminal in an electrolytic cell ?n??? 30a typographical symbol also known as an obelus # ??g?l?...
4 across marred ???????h 13 downsystem of compressed gas?n?u?a?i?s 24 across occuring in instalments ????o?i? 12 across timeliness p?n?t?a???? 6 downlily like plant??????l?s 5 down knowing many...
Having great difficulty with this one today. Been away 3 weeks, must be out of practice! 14d London District (4,2,4) ???E OF ??? 16d An annelid (9)????H???? 1d Pretend to be asleep (4,6) If I get...
Hi All. Raining and cold up here in the north west, anyway stuck on three today. 3d living for other people a - - - u - s - a - 8a clinging on fiercely - - n - c - - - s 6d covered with smuts s - - -...
10A. End of a play - I?I?O?U?
15D. Lack of skill - I???I?I?Y
19D. Encompassed - ?I?D?D
18A. waterproof covering - ???E
Help as always much appreciated - Hoaroak...