I imagine I am not the only one who uses a few free moments from time to time to glance through AB questions. In my case, this leads to my sometimes forgetting that quotes are not catered for in the...
I am in a protracted dispute with a rip-off-artist trader. Most recently I raised a small claim against him in his local court, a case which he lost. The claim addressed only one of the elements of...
The name of Elmina Castle (I have not seen it in print) in Ghana is in the media and it set me wondering. El Mina, or Al Mina, is arabic for "the harbour". Arab slave traders...
On my travels I have come across a fruit that looks rather like an ugly yellow apple, slightly furry and it gives off a wonderful smell - somewhat like that of a mango but if anything even more...
At work I have on my computer (the master which others have access to by necessity) a folder in Outlook Express which contains the record of files I have circultated to a list of recipients - all as...
This is very possibly not the ideal section to place this but here goes. My memory stick of a few months packed up and I can't get hold of the supplier viewcon.biz to arrange a return and refund. Does...
that dictates you will find apparently unconnected things breaking down in groups all within days if not hours. It seems I am exactly there in my cycle. One of the bits that has me stumped is that my...
Not really a question but I recently provided feedback on an airline which is highly rated by Skytrax, to whom I sent my comments. Imagine my surprise when they published only the positives and left...
I am the main user of a computer which nevertheless needs, with all but my private content, to be accessible to a select few others. Up to very recently I was very happy that file names were listed...
Here's one to ponder. We own land adjacent to our garden which is bordered on one side by large trees. One of the families in houses beyond that have once tried to cut down one of these trees but we...
Someone has asked me whether his 18 year old daughter might be able to train on the piano in Scotland. The main emphasis would probably be on including the music but perhaps as a part of a more...
A while back I bought a long haul out-and-return ticket with BA via Heathrow. The arrangement was made a month in advance and I chose the cheapest price which in effect means I cannot change anything....
Can anyone suggest somewhere reasonably handy from the airport that provides clean beds at a modest cost - we want to pick up a hired car and crash out on arrival. Also, on the way back we might...
...when somebody says he does not trust those who do not have "halfmoons on their fingernails". I came across this recently, presumably referring to the light coloured arc at the...
Although I am in charge of the computer at work, some of the material on it needs to be accessible to others. On the other hand, use for internet access is restricted to me and I am rather fed up with...
I have just been looking at Ryanair's site and my reading reveals a masterfully ambiguous explanation. Has anyone very recently travelled with them with more than one piece of checked in baggage...
In the course of adopting ozone friendly refrigerants, old ones are being phased out and replaced by others. Meanwhile lots of systems continue functioning perfectly well with the old type of...
I have often wondered at the huge collection of these which rapidly builds up on any computer using Windows. What is the very worst that could happen if I deleted ALL .tmp files in Windows 2000 or XP...
When more than one person (together) are travelling by air and more than one bag is being checked in, make certain you have the bags allocated to different passengers. The reason for this (as I have...