17a Brigadier ?????? a fictional Napoleonic hero created by Arthur Conan Doyle 18a Native people of Mauretania and Liberia for example ???????s 20a Member of an indigenous tribe belonging to an island...
2 down a moulding with the rounded part composed of a quarter circle. (5) o-o-o 39a Thomas Worcestershire cricketer dismissed twice for the rare offence for obstructing the field. (5) -t-a- many...
Struggling with these few.. 7A Look secretly at sports record P??? 10A All encompassing Londoner Eliot's written about(three words) ?R?L?E?I?T?O??? 17A Selfishness evident from city centre I go...
15 across.. Native American language spoken in Nebraska and Kansas..?A?N?E.
9 down .. description of a polygon with eight side .. O?T?G?N?L.
Many thanks....
16a Arabic word for uprising ???i?a??
28a John ?r?d?n Poet laureate appointed 1668 and dismissed 20 years later
40a ?????? Society socialist think tank established in jan 1884
42a Astronomer and geographer who died in Alexandria circa AD 168 ?t???m?
23d Morbid fear of crossing the road ??o???h?b?a
5d Literary hero whose companions are Monk,Ham,Renny D?c?a?a?e
Good morning all. I am stuck on three clues and ask your help please. 22 across - What I represents in the rainbow mnemonic Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain (6) I???G? 23 down - Morbid fear of...