Stuck on last two. 16a one of thre gaseous elements discovered by Sir William Ramsey and Morris Travers (4). I have N-O-. and 43a Mildly-spiced curry often made with ingredients such as coconut milk,...
Stuck on last few. 54d Actor who featured in the Nescafe Gold Blend TV adverts (4). I have H-A-. 11a Actor who starred in 1934 film adaptation W.Somerset Maugham's 1915 novel Off Human Bondage" and...
Also stuck on 7d. _______ (or: Show 5); episode of "Monty python's Flying Circus" with the Psychiatrist Milkman sketch (4,2). I have -H-A-U. 8d Central section of the thistle vegetable Cynam scolymus...
Stuck on last two. 31a examples of word play (4). I have -U-S. Is it "puns" ? and 37d An aquatic eel-like salamander of North America (5). I have S-R-N. Help appreciated....
Stuck on last few. 12a Epithet given to Mendelssohn's Symphony No.3 (8). Is i it SCOTTISH ? 23a V-shaped cuts or indentations (7). I have N--C-E-. 35a A genus of orb-weaver spiders (6). I have AR?N?A....
Stuck on 17d In the Old Testament, Moses' successor who led the Israelites in the conquest of Canaan (6). I have J--H-A. But my searches come up with YOSHOA. Help appreciated.
Stuck on last one. 8d Co-director of the Royal Shakespeare Company whose major productions included "King Lear" and " A Midsummer Night's Dream" (5). I have -R-O-. Help...