I am currently on a PAYG system (O2) ==because I hardly use my own mobile.( My wife has a SIM only contract , so I use her phone at home all the time) I believe I am shortly going to have to put... ...
I have been given some coffee pods .I don't have a filter machine so i simply put the contents into a cup and poured hot water over to dissolve, followed by milk and microwaved the mixture. There... ...
If I have forgot a password, and a new one is requested===i am told that a code is being sent to my inbox.I click onto my E.mail ,get the code,then when i go back to the page that asked for it , i... ...
At present I tick a box on a prescription to state that I am over 65. and therefore don't need to pay.---how will this work if I want treatment for one of the SEVEN conditions that chemists can... ...
Just watching the scottish snooker on DMAX channel. The amount of coughing from the auditorium has been doing my head in. The commentators don't seem to remark on it. Are they in a sound proof... ...
I have had a Hyundai 120 for a couple of years---on the occasions that the tyre pressure warning light came on I put some air in to the required amount. I got used to not seeing the warning light... ...
I know that if either player requires a snooker, a miss cannot be called---but does that decision apply before the shot is taken or if a snooker is required as a result from the shot if a foul is...
I recently played a word "TIK"--which is shown in Collins dictionary as South African slang for crystal meths. However it is not allowed on official scrabble website. Why not?...
In snooker I know the rule whereby a player cannot use a ball (off the table) to check whether a colour will spot or not after potting it. (the referee has to do it). However what about if the player...
Anyone remember a song from way back----some of the lyrics were--"-dont worry, dont worry dry your eyes and in a little while you'll find it easier to smile"...
Last Winter I had a problem with the monitor not coming on with the tower first thing in the morning, after an overnight sleep.The tower would come on after I pressed any key but only the light on the...
I have just had a smart meter installed(3 weeks)--Like any new toy I have been checking readings daily. I can't make sense of them. Am I correct in believing that the daily standing charge is added on...
I have always believed that a teaspoon was 5 mls----I have just put 20 of them into a measuring jug and it only reads 50 mls rather than 100mls? Anyone have an explanation?
I have had a GRP coated garage roof for a while ----I have always wondered why a raised lip all around the edge is constructed rather than a slope made for water to run into the gutter!!!
My PC is set to sleep overnight and the restart with any key next morning.On two occasions this last week the tower has flickered into life but the monitor wouldn't follow. I had to close the CPU and...
I have recently acquired a Hyundai i 120. When driving in the evening with my side and dips on, I keep noticing AN EXTRA SOURCE OF LIGHT as i make a turn. (It then goes out when straightening up)....