My daughter has to prepare 2 main dishes and 2 desserts for her cooking exam but they must be suitable dishes for someone who suffers from coeliac disease. Has any one any suggestions please?
My daughter has to prepare 2 main dishes and 2 desserts for her cooking exam but they must be suitable dishes for someone who suffers from coeliac disease. Has any one any suggestions please?
My 6 year old asked me why she had brown hair and her little sister had blonde hair. She is quite a bright little girl so I explained briefly about dna and that her great grandma had blonde hair. When...
to all the lovely people who wished me well a big thank you - had the op Thursday - it went brilliantly -had to stay in overnight cos I live alone but got back bright eyed and bushy tailed yesterday...
My daughter Kerrie has the unusual middle name cydonia (my great grandmothers name)
my son Ryan has the middle name Harrison (after Harrison ford) my late hubby was a huge fan....
It seems ages since I've been on here! (I'm so sad lol) It was a very eventful start to the hol with my OH collapsing in agony with the recurrent pain in his chest and ended up in me calling an...
At last Brucie has his knighthood, but why did these deserve an award? Especially the other two 'Goodies' who have now received their OBEs 8 years after the 3rd Goodie Bill Oddie received his. But...
need a name for a character that is scottish , character details - he dosnt look it but he's a bad ass swordsman - -scottish- -he's been around for decades- all modern and old scot names would help :)...
Ed. Can we have a Joke section to its self? Where we can see at a glance where to look or where to place a joke. It is a real pain that its hidden behind 'Phrasea and Sayings. There must be those too...
Help ! I have phoned up for a job interview as a cleaner, they asked if i have used a floor buffer before . Trying to impress i said yes. Ok its not strictly a porkie i did use one many moons ago for...
...on your bed at night when you go to bed? My 6 month old terrier gives me the sad guilty look when I put her in her bed at bedtime in the kitchen and she makes me feel guilty as I live on my own....
I would not be surprised if she doesn't get David to ask Prince William and Kate to be Godparents to her designer baby girl planned for the 4th of July. As for the name of the new baby, it is anyone's...
I adored these shows as a child, and think sesame street helped my spelling and counting. Did anyone else enjoy the programmes? What a shame they are not on anymore, i adored the count "1 ha ha...
http://www.dailymail....comments-pay-tax.html Whining about having to pay 50% tax on her millions of pounds of earnings! She's a millionaire and needs to wake up and smell the coffee. In the real...
The International Criminal Court says it's examining evidence that Colonel Gaddafi ordered mass rapes to be carried out by his troops and also bought drugs to encourage them to attack women opposing...