Last few, any help appreciated. 24a. A leaderless gathering of troops heading off sudden attack a success for France (10). I have A?S?E?L?T? A battle maybe? 8d. Perhaps fine tree one spotted in the...
Last few, any help appreciated, T.I.A. 1a. Can of drink? (4) I have B?I? 5d. Old number one banned from politicians' surgeries (3) I have O?S, surely OBS but why? 11a. With effort, release old period...
Last few, any help appreciated. T.I.A. 9a. Pure ecstasy filling boy next to girl (9) I have U?A?L?Y?D. Unallayed? Girl UNA boy LAD ecstasy E. 13d. Food's roasting still (8). I have ??A?S?O? Anagram of...
Last ones, any help appreciated, T.I.A. 6a. Easy to understand one covering the eyes touring capitals (5). I have L?C??, it must be LUCID, but why? 8d. Given an award held forth after several weeks...
Last couple, any help appreciated. 2d. Perfect rug to put down outside (10). I assume it starts with C and ends T? 10a. Fool about in small part of desert (5). I have D???E. 12a. Presumably loose...
Any help appreciated, T.I.A.
3a. Designed to come out of a jar in one piece(10).
9d. It's simple to use if you are patient (6,8).
6d. Nice version of "square" (5,9)....
14a. Lots of wives knocked down here? (5,7). I have ?U?C? A?C?I?N. Some type of AUCTION? 1d. Group's leader had dressed formally (6). 2d. Head of state in Irish parliament to go off line (6). DETOUR?...
1a. One taking pleasure from attack on Georgian lawman? (8). 4d. Drawing attention to consequence of batsman's poor form? (12). 15d. Crackling relating to small hole in humbug (9). T.I.A. KevvyPater....
Last few, any help grateful, T.I.A. 38d. Just one street supports a person like Trump? (9). I have A???A?I?T. 45d. Religious type in spin about act of ascension(7). I have P?A?S?R. PRAISER? 41a....
Last two, any help appreciated, T.I.A.
25a. Take another line after Mike cuts back(7). I have R???R?Y.
19d. A shelter's removable locks crop up(6) I have ?I?W?G. ???WIG....