Last two please help as I am new to cryptic crosswords. 19a Orders to back team put around court (6) ---c-s 16d Sleeping partner? (9) B---e-l-w Many thanks
1a Worldwide collection of online newsgroups (6) -s---t 3d Aromatic plant formerly used in medicine (4) ---d 24a Interjection imitative of shivering with cold (4) b--r
1a Worldwide collection of online newsgroups (6) -s---t 3d Aromatic plant formerly used in medicine (4) ---d 24a Interjection imitative of shivering with cold (4) b--r
22d Slender non-stinging insect that lives and dies around waterways and whose wings fold when at rest (9) --m-e---y 21a Liqueur that originally contained the hallucinogen absinthe before it was...