Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient. Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. Squirrel who runs up woman's leg will not find...
If, in the middle of writing a post for AB, I look for a reference, say an online dictionary, or the source of a fact on Internet Explorer, whatever I have already written disappears and I am unable...
Why do people think it's their right of way when joining a motorway ?.I drive a HGV so if I'm driving down a motorway and there is room, and it's safe for me to pull into the second lane to let you on...
They tell us He is omnipresent (is everywhere), omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (knows all) Well His minions are certainly know-alls but what would be some more accurate adjectives for God?... It is costing the NHS £bns to give out free prescriptive medicines to pensioners many of whom can afford to pay for themselves. They also receive free bus...
Scientific research using functional MRI has shown that religious experiences mainly involve the temporal lobes of the brain. Epileptic seizures in the temporal lobes have also been shown to be...
Meaning is a succession of events directed at a particular outcome. Say "now" - when is/was that word? A word is a succession of events. The challenge I set the contributors to this thread...
In his new book of this title (Hamish Hamilton), Alain de Botton writes that 'atheism should not hector people about the error of super-natural belief: this is "boring". The real task is to...
http://namedropping.w...1/08/05/this-england/ Those who are English are constantly called British, why are they trying to wipe the English from the map? But if some continue to class us as British why...
Since Jesus arrived on earth with his new message, many ‘prophets’ have surfaced - Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and Charles Taze Russell, to name but a few – and the millions that follow...
Enough with all this football nonsense ... the real summer event starts next week : Addictive TV (even if the mesmeric David Duffield has hung up his...
Nominations please for Thursdays word of the day.
I will select from your suggestions, and would ask that you all attempt to drop the word into your conversations as much as possible....
Hi hope you don't mind me posing a question but I would appreciate your help. I went into hospital for the day on Monday I found out my BP is high over a two hour period it was 193/74 201/94 &...
My young niece asked me if it was true that the Virgin Mary was physically lifted into heaven. I blustered a bit as I was not really sure of the basis of her question. Is there a reference to this...