case in point here: I am really interested in maths and science and I know I am not alone in that even on AB and I thought the science... ...
How far is this going to go, and how long before something is done? ... TheUK is lagging behind other developed countries in cancer treatment - guy on... ...
So this person is fairly young, however, they have very little excitement/motivation/interest about most things in life. They don't show any interest in their own birthdays and couldn't care less... ...
I remember a song thet had the line "Your eyes have ??? a different hue". A lovely melody, and I am trying to track it down, it sounds like number from one of the old musicals. Can you... ...
I used to love going there when I was a kid. Labour and the Tories held their conferences there; not any more; 'It’s mid-afternoon in the Royal Oak pub in Blackpool and Liv has arrived to sell a... ... Another triumph for Putin. As long as Ukraine gets more Gripen fighters than Hungary 😀 I believe Hungary is... ...
It seems to me that AB has lots of OP's attacking Islam and Muslims in general, but not many OP's attacking Jews. Anti-semitism seems to be considered shocking, but anti-Islam seems to be... ... /> video is not hard to find online "“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m... ...
'Fascism begins with political violence on the streets. In 1922, Benito Mussolini ordered his supporters to march on Rome and threaten to overthrow the democratic government. In the early 1930s... ...
I am very worried because they're not interested in people like me who have done the right thing, worked all my life in engineering for companies that exported around the world, earning money for... ... Here is proof if any were needed, of the 'distance' factor when it applies to ex-Prime Ministers. It's clear that there is a direct correlation between... ... Charlie is the drug of choice for your hooray henry types right? So if... ...
Originally only those selling produce to Northern Ireland (that would only be sold in Northern Ireland) would be required labelling ‘Not for EU’. But now Sunak has done a deal such that all UK... ...
The first episode of ITV's new series 'Breathtaking' hit our screens, giving viewers an insight into the shocking reality of hospital life during the pandemic. Just been reading about this... ...