How come guys are completely oblivious that they're 'raking their tatties' whenever they are walking or waiting? Us women NEVER scratch our bits in public! Hahahahahaa X
I purchased 2 Guinea pigs 8 days ago from a well known pet shop. However one of them died overnight. Do I have any recourse to a replacement from the shop?. Would the guinea pig be covered under...
My 10 year old cat appears to have completely disowned me over the past 2 weeks! She's always enjoyed being outside and generally stays on the patio but for the past 2 weeks she's been wandering off....
I'm not in a trade union, but my employer has breached the terms and conditions of my contract by suspending me without warning on the grounds of 'excessive internet use'. My terms clearly indicate...
I lost my job a month ago and haven't been out of work for over ten years, so I don't have too much experience at interviews. I have an interview tomorrow...I'm not nervous, but would like to make a...
can i be sacked for being diabetic? in the last year i have had too take time off work because of my diabetes, due to bad feet and legs. about six weeks all together. my manager has today warned me...
Sorry if this sounds a daft question but I've always wondered about it - If there is no-one else around to help, how does someone get on and off a pair of stilts? Put me out of my misery! Thanks
What is the best course/uni to go to to read journalism - partic interested in sport/reporting etc - any ideas about son's future career will be welcomed. Doing English lang, history, maths and...
I'm currently selling my property and an offer has been made for the full asking price but with the request that I pay the buyers 3% deposit. Someone has advised me that I should only proceed if...
Hi! I wasn't sure where to post this....It's my friend's birthday soon, and I would like to get him a tent, as he's a rockclimber and often goes for climbing week ends but always has to borrow a tent....
I find myself hesitating in sharing my humour with my work colleagues. Just yesterday my boss was having problems with her e-mail, so sent me a 'test' em-mail asking, "Did you receive this?". I wanted...
Any hairdressers out there ... why is it that however much you spend on products, conditioners, gel, hairbrushes or dryers, even if you buy things actually from the hairdresser at some ridiculous...
Hi I moved to a flat on the Thames a couple of winters ago and last summer the flat was full of mosquitos and big flying daddly longlegs type things...eek. I notice they are starting to re-appear. Can...