Lots of help needed today I am absolutely stumped with Rugby Players!!
?U?R?Y BA???AW WE???ER and ?R?m?S
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks kjsgran...
Is there a person keen on athletics out there who could help me please?
T?R?E? and ?H?M?S
Would be most grateful of your knowledge Many thanks kjsgran...
I am stuck for 2 today
Indian vocal music without words A?A?
Name in North East Scotland for a warm woollen jersey ?A?S?E
Can anyone help ?Many thanks kjsgran...
I have several heathers which I bought for my ericaceous border last year They have just finished blooming and are looking rather leggy I would appreciate some advice on the pruning I also have some...
I am stuck for 2 Im sure they are both anagrams but can't work them out!!
Our man ate growths ???R?M?T?
East look to him as God ??O?IM
Would appreciate any help Many thanks kjsgran...
I am valiantly trying to track down names of rugby players I have managed several but am stuck for three!!
Any suggetions most welcome!!! with thanks kjsgran...
Looking for one answer to complete this puzzle
An inlicensed drinking house or hut in Lewis or Glasgow (6) ?O???N
Can anyone help? Many thanks kjjsgran...