What is a French soldier trained for swift deployment? C???S??? or a US jazz pianist asociated with big band jazz (5,5)????T ?A?I? Can anyone help Many thanks kjsgran
I am on the final clue in the sports crossword It is a racing driver 6 letters A?B?R? Is there a driver with Albert as his surname? If not any suggestions? Many thanks kjsgran
Havent tried this crossword before and am stuck for 3 Yankee supporter of the South in American Civil War 10 letters C???E?H??? Region of Ireland where the language of the Celts is spoken 9 letters...
This really is a stinker today!!Very cryptic!! Missing 2 answers Clue Big Brother 8 letters ?I?C?TOR Clue T18 whatever that is!! 2 words 4,3 ?U?Tand P?G Help!! kjsgran