My boyfriend was caught shoplifting and now wants to change his life around. He's applied to a company for a job but is worried that they will find out about the fixed penalty notice he received for...
if i was to drive 4 ,3 hours have 30 mins rest .leave the tach set to rest and drive 4 ,5min then pull up and have another rest of about 20 mins would this be a legal rest period 4 the day,it is an...
just bought some pumpkin seeds but me being me didint check to see weather they were shelled or not. ad well i picked some up still in their shells. is it ok 2 eat them with their shells on as i...
A 'rasher' style meat product... made of pork and beef I think.. 'bacon'ish in flavour... Used to get it from Sainsburys... haven't seen it - or anything like it - for a long time... it was really...
Can any suggest where I can buy a Tikka Masala sauce that actually tastes like it does in restaurants or when you get a take away? I love the creamy coconut sauce but when I buy a sauce in a jar its...
hi there, just going to cook salmon for tonights dinner, does anyone have a quick tasty sauce recipe or tips on a different way to cook it? thanks in advance
Can someone settle an argument between me & my girlfriend? When you have opened a tin of food (ie - baked beans) & don't use them all, does putting half full tin in the fridge contribute towards food...