i think i'm going crazy 1st i have started argueing with the television and the presenters on it 2nd i had a debate with myself over what film to watch 2nite 3rd i named my cockatiel bertie bird and...
Theres an escort booked for 7.15. And shes not a ford escort. Enjoy yourselves ill be back when the money runs out. OOOH LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why not eh ????
due to inclement weather the dogging arranged for tonight as been canceled thanx 4getmenot sachs ice maiden whiffy Bathsheba boo hellibobs puss boots scots gal jugglering for you e-mails and interest...
Im moving tomorrow and I cant seem to get moving today, if you see what I mean. Came in from work , fell asleep and had a meal. So much to do, thank goodness its only to a house share, and nothing...
Why do men do this its horrible, there is a monster of a guy that has a flat opposite my house and every time you look across there he is in his full glory ,and omg the guy is one man mountain!!!!
We've all been there... what are your favourite songs that help you get over people and make you realise what a trolley you are for getting hung up on someone, when really they don't deserve the...
who remembers gary lineker some yearsago with his wife on TV pontifiucating about his son with leukaemia. This aging tospot is now getting shacked up witha "modeL" 18 years his junior. Just think , in...