can someone tell me why there is a car in wigan with western australia registration plates, they are blue characters on a white background and it was a saab tc i think. How or why would anyone bring...
I have sky + and will soon be upgraded to sky h.d.+ Can someone tellme please what actually happens when the upgrade is done. Do I have anymore holes drilled , anymore cables ? or is it just a case of...
I watched the film Vera Drake last night. it was a really good film, I know it wasnt a true story but do you think she would have gone to prison if she had done the same thing today. She was only...
Can anyone tell me how to fill cracks in walls. I think they are called settlement cracks and I have tried the likes of polyfilla and such but eventually they do reappear. Is there a permanent...
My partner of two years is very inexperienced when it comes to things of a sexual nature, his whole attitude to it is of a pre-pubescent teenager. He calls his friends names (on a friendly basis) that...