do you think your public image on ab truly reflects what youre like in real life? or are you a bit more shy or outgoing on heer? are yuo a bit more outspoken than in the real world ? do you think some...
whats your least favourite piles or sweat rash ( ouch ) worst thing to drink before yopure sick socks, white or grey pants big or scanty toothpaste or toothgel sex or chocolate? chocolate or ice...
I am just in process of downloading and saving for posperity all the Fawlty Towers episodes. I have never seen any Ricky Gervais stuff. Are they as good as each other, is one better or or they in...
Has anyone heard from Dot Hawkes lately? I used to think we were bosom buddies, but since I asked her to marry me, I've not heard from her. Has anyone got any ideas why? I mean, it's not as if I'm...
final destination is on bbc1. see the bit on the plane where he checks the seat tray and its broken? i try that everytime i fly. about a dozen times last year. if it happened one of those times id...
A husband and his wife who have been married 20 years were doing some yard work. The man was working hard cleaning the BBQ grill while his wife was bending over, weeding flowers from the flower bed....
Oh my god I have been in the long stay dunguen now for ages and have miracualsly grown a nut back. How cool is that a_buser and have been let out now on parole. (yea have not lost the touch of not...