Hi Guys Don't go on here much, but enjoy reading the threads Off tomorrow to south of France for 2 weeks by Eurostar and TGVwith better half. Wish me luck and hope Iv'e got all the connection times...
A while ago I posted a politically correct Irish joke in the Joke section but have had little response. Surely you lot have got more education and will understand it, have a look
Can we have a nice night tonight please where we can be respectful to eachother and perhaps compliment the people who deserve it, a feelgood factor night I think....or am being unrealistic???? LOL I...
http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie/terminator- salvation/ not long now just seen the new trailer and the film looks top class ive been watching the terminator tv series and this will dollow on from...
The 17th of may 2009. Where will you be on that day as me and the Mrs will be in saffend on the 15th, 16th and 17th may celebrating our first wedding anniversary. God what a comedown from the...
It looks like my chav party question has been block reported and banned. Just what is wrong with these jealous people on here. I will post it again soon
Apparently this site really does provide free laptops if you sign up for some real free or cheap stuff. Anyone tried it or know of it? I know there is no such thing as a free lunch but you never know....
Havfing a chav party for chubby chav's next saturday. Do you qualify to come to knobbys chubbie chav party.. Dont forget if your names not down then you cant come in as a bouncer will be on the door...