following on from my one word answer thread I want a one word answer again but it must make up a story as each one word answer is posted. IE. I Went. To. The. etc etc if you see what I mean. The balls...
Earlier Sachs was saying that her son was away to a car booty to sell some unwanted nick naks. If we were to have a car booty here on chatterbank what items surplus to requirements would you be...
flies always manage to find their way through an open window but can never find their way back out again. I have 2 unwelcome visitors and no SWAT team.
Following on from Dot being woken early, and tiggs night of hell, I'm having aggro now! Just done a full load of washing, including whites, and put them out to dry. What happens - the poxy neighbour...
Vodafone espa?a have installed a moble broadband dongle onto my daughter?s Toshiba laptop (8months old) Windows Vista Home Premium but now the computer won't even open, it senda a long page too much...
Last night we had some stuff going off on the street. Me & my neighbour came out talking. He was telling us he'd just buried his dad & he did'nt need all this rubbish on top! Anyway, we were talking...