you people do not understand the meaning of anzac day and you fail to understand how the people of new zealand and australia contributed to us winning the last war however i dont wish an arguement so...
What videos are most memorable for you then? Sorry to have yet another musical thread. But I just lurrvee my music. Shall we party then.....??? Right let's get it on.... If you want ,you can post...
When youre weary, feeling small, When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all; Im on your side. when times get rough And friends just cant be found, Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me...
has anyone else been tempted by the multi coloured lava type garden solar lights that the Texaco garages are selling at their counter for ?4.99? Yesterday I picked one up when i went to get the car...
this is mine: 'I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." what's your all time favourite movie...
6d Gentle breezes or zephyrs (arch/poet) A-R-E 15a A locking spring or other safety contrivance in a firearm ---R 16d Joining (one thing to another) ..n...r.t Help please
claudia is wearing a white curtain. naomis soup is on the menu !!!! soooooo do you think its a case of naomi or linda to win ???' wellll wellll come on oh doesnt the white in claudias curtain dress...
I was dropping my grandson off at my Daughter's on the way to work and I had Brian Matthews on the radio, as i do every Saturday morning for his sounds of the sixties show. A song came on in the...
Knobby calling planet CB. Hello planet CB ,is there anybody out there as the floyd would say. Come in planet CB. Over and out roger roger. Has anybody seen roger? Waters................
any1 have any tips on how to pi$$ my neighbours off like they pi$$ me off with their loud music all hours thru wk & wkends. getting woken up early hours & have work next day. was up for 2hrs this morn...