Do you think this is a true thing or are people just on self destruct (so to speak anything fom gambling, drugs, food)?
Can it be hereditary do you think?
How many people do you know that mid week they go on about how they can't wait 'til the weekend and when you ask them what they have are doing they say 'oh nothing' ?
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres a shadow ghost in my house. I keep seeing it out of the corner of my eye. Things i have noticed relating to it are:Black, un-natural shadows moving out the corner of my eye,...
When selling on eBay, if your item does not meet its reserve can you still make an offer to the highest bidder if the bidder id was set to private? I have no idea how to contact the person!
Just what is an old f@rt like Shirley Bassey doing at Glastonbury. She is now to singing what Michael Parkinson is to interviewing. Euthenasia where art thou.
tv or computer if you had to get rid off one what would it be ???and no you wont be allowed to watch tv on the computer ................. i would get rid off the computer rather have a tv ..
My son Nick is a brilliant drummer since he has been a little tot> He belong to a bristol rock band and has got a big gig tonight. He is little nervous as always but i thought that he could receive...
im watching glastonbury on bbc3. its roasting here and im sipping a cold beer and just havin a giggle at the shirley bassey fans. im shirley bassy!no im shirley bassey!!!! no i ammm shirley bassey....
'Bliar' is an epithet commonly applied to TB. Do you realise how serious the accusation of 'lying' actually is ? If you said such a thing to most people you'd be up on a charge. So, what I want to...
Went out friday night, had a really good night, went smoothly was really drunk but actually woke up happy and not down on saturday morning which was a bonus considering I usually wake up so low...
have just been watching k9-11 on tv and did you see the end and what a hound I just knew that he was taking a run up to get to the nasty bloke. Jusr wished my golden retrivour was like that, he is so...
My friend has just rung me up saying he can't sleep. he asked me if i knew away he could get to sleep but the oly way i could think of was tablets. I agreeded to calling him back later. Please can you...