Today instead of being on here all day i went to laqs americas. there i went to the chi[ppy plaza underneath linekers bar i had a savaloy and chips btw whats the big deal about them? its a bleedin...
hi guys havent been on for ages........... but hope everybodys keeping well. have lots of unpacking to do after coming back from my holidays (if you can call it that!!) but just wanted to give stevie...
Where is my old mucker legbend today then. I have wound his little sidekick nonuts up and I have got all off you sussed out on here. As far as I am concerned you are all a bunch off self centered...
Now this could only happen to me. Just took the dog for walkies down to the offie and went out with one dog and came back with two. We was walking along minding our own business when this nice woman...
When I reply or read questions and replies on here I get a mental picture in my mind as to what that person looks like .Often wonder if I am far wrong. Now take Ethel for example. She is so clever I...
My friend is trying to unscrew a corroded screw from a door and is having major problems.She has now damaged the thread whilst trying to undo it. Any solutions from anyone? Many thanks
yes i di find the ear but in a valium induced state i at half of it and it gave me the sh1ts. hence i am now sat here in a pool of my own excrement. i wish i could die. will you kill me please cazzzz?
i am starting up a new ab faceboak site where members can pass on details such as home telephone numbers, home address, bank account details, and pin numbers to random strangers whilst making wild...
he said to me that the woman who works in b&q selling orange buckets called me names but then she said that she didn't, that it was her cousin from woolworths who used to know the brother of the man...
good day fellow answerbankers! i have not been on here for two days. the person who posted the following thread is an importerror. i haven't read through any more threads to find out if there are more...
Going to end up in tears again on here again today I can smell it in me water dont say that I did not warn you. Right thats it I really am going down the offie now and dont try to stop me. Walkies...
that is wrong with whitebear then am I missing something here somebody get me up to speed. I thought whitebear was cuddle me and ice maiden confirmed that the other day. And whiffey I know I have left...