5d. Lion, say, given fruit within courtyard (is it QUADRUPED) 6d. Making progress with a sound, involving third vehicle (is it ADVANCING) 12a. Liberal doctrine of ITN series (is it BROAD CHURCH) 17d....
Has anyone tried to enter this comp online? The address they give as; radiotimes.com/xmascrossword is apparently not a valid email address. Likewise the address to enter the Wordfinder,...
Good evening, I'm stuck on the following for the weekly Telegraph Cryptic Connections quiz. Answers with parsing, if possible, would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance! 1 Garbled words to describe...
Stuck on a few today. Any help greatly appreciated. x 23a Regularly seeing Pierre up-country? ???? 1d Case notes flying ????? 2d Prevent a doctor grabbing rook ????? 19d Cooker fashionable once more...