I had a memory not long ago of a cartoon i used to watch, it was a superhero who lived in a cup in a bathroom. I know it sounds weird but i am sure it existed. If someone out there remembers or even...
That's my question why is it so frowned upon to do a 20 minute walk in public with my slippers on and then do my shopping the same way? My sister (chinadoll) refuses to walk with me if i do and i am...
Now this may seem to be an odd question however whilst sittng awake at 3:30am i had the sudden thought, why do we get stretch marks all over our bodies when we put on weight and then lose it, but we...
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend...
i want to get fingerprint bruises tattooed on the side of my neck to go with my bite mark, but i can't find an image anywhere. does anyone know where i can get an image to show my tattooist? it...
whats your best break up song? is it a nice one to remind you of the good times yopu had? or is it a hatefilled rant at whoever did you wrong? i just gotta love this....