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I don't know how many of you were following the story of Stephen Sutton (the young man with terminal cancer) but I have just found out via his facebook page that he died in the early hours of this...
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I have been in either camp up to now and I recently decided to have a go at the "eat breakfast" side again, after 2 days of feeling nauseous straight after eating breakfast I remembered why I stopped...
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Have a lovely day x
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says that under Labour you will get a doctors appointment within 48 hours or 24 hours if urgent, needed. Has he spoken with anyone at all in the NHS recently, in the medical profession, governing...
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did anyone see their party political broadcast on tv last evening, interesting to say the least, they are English not British, and most definitely not European, fun watching, not sure i would give...
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Do you feel that the drag diva Conchita may have done a disservice to the trans-gender community by appearing as a 'bearded lady'? It is difficult enough for people other than heterosexuals to find...
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I would like to see the Glastonbury music festival this year but have just been told that the tickets have all sold out. I would like to know where I can buy tickets (ethically) from people who can no...
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tablets do you take daily?
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My daughter has been working part time in a pub since she was 14, she's now coming up for 16 and has left school, although she has kept her job. For the past 6 weeks, she has been taxed a 20%...
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Are there any subtle means of finding old friends. I used to know a girl who came from Huddersfield but then I moved to Sussex and we lost contact. I don't necessarily want to rock the boat I'd just...
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Just to let you know that the science intervention at GDs school, which dad to be attended by pupils on Bank Holiday Monday did not take place. Not cancelled, students turned up, teacher concerned...
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Thought Sqad may be interested !...Just to keep the pot boiling ! Not much change to the LibDems or the ghastly UKIP, so this large lead seems...
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Can a planning inforcement officer demand to look in your barn for no reason iveowned it for twenty years just because I put electric in so I could put camera up as we people on our land killing...
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An e-mail from Paypal saying my account has been temporarily disabled due to unusual activity in the account-asked me to check my account.I have only once used Paypal to pay for a quiz some time ago...
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Sunday again. I hope it's better than yesterday. I won't put money on it though. Tiggy and foxy still came for their supper though. Foxy is beginning to look a handsome wee lad, if a wet one...
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I'm watching it at present and actually think that it is better this year, I thought that the transvestite was really good, also Sweden's entry, but one thing I'm really impressed by is the staging...
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Someone nearby is slaughtering cattle on their farm and selling the meat. This is illegal and could be dangerous due to lack of testing for BSE etc, not to mention the welfare issue of the actual...
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Hello. My name is Theo. Can you give me a quote for car insurance please? Sure. What type of car do you drive? Well, I don't actually have a car. I just pretend to have one. Oh that's fine. Your...

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