Good evening, once again! A 'middle of the road' start for me this week, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz: . . . but I couldn't get to the... ...
Hello again! I got off to a great start this week, with a maximum SEVEN out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz: As was to be expected from me though, I... ...
Hello again! A decent enough start for me this week, I feel, with FIVE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz: However a pathetic ONE out of five in... ...
Hello again! For the umpteenth year in a row, Royal Mail seem to have mislaid the giant sackload of Valentine's Day cards which I'm sure should have been landing on my doormat this morning. It's... ...
Good evening, all! Another lousy start for me this week, with just TWO out of seven in the main quiz: I did marginally better in the junior quiz... ...
Good evening, all! Another rubbish week for me, with just TWO out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz: and TWO out of five in the kids' one:...
Good evening, all! Another 'not so brilliant' week for me, with a score of just THREE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz . . . and TWO out of... ...
A 'so-so week' for me this week, I reckon, with THREE out of seven in the main quiz . . . and THREE out of five in the junior one...
Good evening all! Somewhat later than I usual, I think, Aunty Beeb has finally got around to giving us the first two bits of her big annual news quiz. This link covers the events of January to... ...
Either Aunty Beeb has decided to post her big (4-part) annual quiz later than usual or we're not getting one this year 🤔. There are just the usual two quizzes for us to have a go at this week. I... ...
If Aunty Beeb follows her usual way of doing things, this will probably be the last regular weekly quiz of the year. (We normally get 4 x 13-question quizzes, covering the whole of the year,... ...
'Advert' first: For anyone who missed it, the link to my big (75 question) quiz is here: Getting back to more normal business, I... ...
Hi, all! Another lousy week for me in the main quiz, with just TWO out of seven this time around: I did a bit better in the junior version though,... ...
Bit of a weird one this. I bought LED bulbs as they are more efficient, yet there is one particular light in our dining room, that since replacing the old style bulb with an LED bulb it flickers... ...
Good evening, all! I could only manage a 'passable' score of THREE, out of seven, on the main quiz this week: However, even though my mother would... ...
I could only manage a totally pathetic score of ONE out of 7 in the main quiz this week - and that was a guess! I did rather better in the junior version... ...
Good evening, all! I could only manage a ‘passable’ THREE out of seven in the main quiz this week: I did no better in the junior quiz either, with just TWO... ...
Hello again! An 'unspectacular but not disastrous' week for me this time around, with THREE out of seven on the main quiz . . . and THREE out of five on... ...
Hello again! Whenever I do quite well in the adult quiz, such as with the FIVE out of seven that I scored this week, . . . I seem to do poorly in the... ...
Hello again! I managed a reasonable start this week, with FIVE out of seven in the main quiz: However I could only score TWO out of five in the junior one:...