10ac Character lying back in meadows, bare in winter? (8) -e---e--, 13ac monkey according to an antelope (6) ---a--. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hanging at murder scene staged A?R?? is it Acrid and if so why? or Acted ? not sure where the hanging comes in Also one note rung, displaying harmony I? ??E? is it In Deed? why? Last 2 these - thanks...
Early aviation pioneer-
Showing great skill or flair -
Not totally precise -
Exclamation on making minor mistake-
Thanks in advance xx...
Is there any kind of firm that will come in, completely clear a room, and put it in storage while plastering and decorating is completed. As a 60+ single female I don't have the strength to move some...
Does anyone have any experience with this? A relative who lives in a tiny flat in a block of about 150 has been offered this for free. The flats were built in the early 1980s. They are all either 1...
the old saying "it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all" how many think this is true,personally i think its wrong as if youve never loved you would'nt be very heartboken and...
Answer is something to do with Banks ie- kinds of bank, staff, equipment,services etc. q27 Events at a race meeting Thanks. I hope I've done this correctly, I can't get to grips with the new layout &...
....Did anyone watch this on News Years Eve..anyone who has any experience or knowledge of Amateur Dramatics as I have will have found themselves saying 'yup thats how it can all go wrong', very...