All answers are chocolate related 8 December fir baubles 14 Slang for a face leads a very big bun? 20 Caring of pay the bill when it is this. 23 Take money illegally, gradually 39 Colour one wager... ...
Last 2 any help please. No 5. Three clues Hold back water (3) Hide(4) Swear (4) answer is a place in the world. No 26 Feline(3) preposition (1) close(4). Answer a place in the world. Hope I’ve...
Any help with my last 4 please 7 Intended abbreviate outsize pristine condition 26 Drag make unclear have 27 Non colour photo makes money 43 A to Z postal items. . All answers are sweets ! Thankyou in...
Any help please with last few questions 21 was a member of ‘Persuasion’ before becoming famous 35 It is always above a 3 42 Blocking bars 72 It is basically liquor 91 Provided for travellers to make...
Hi any help with these questions please Answers are all to do with getting wet. 2 moving in water spa town plural. 12 Notice 16 Native of part of Uk BBC 1 or ITV 23 Jumpjng in head first fed up 41...
Any help with my last four please 3 Near the ground totally ignore 21 Persuade by lying bowl running plus ‘er 27 Odd 34 Combine 6 with a bit of 15+28 ( you have to solve them first) All answers can be...
Any help please with my last 3 / answers are colourful people. /. 15 Ex-Eastenders actor (7,9). 45 English Actress (6.6) 71 Meet him in a Brad Pitt film (3,5) Thankyou...