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What happens when two black holes facing each other come in contact
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What would happen to the Earth (short-term, medium- term and long-term) if the whole of mankind was wiped out overnight?
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if 60S=1M means "60 sec in 1 min" then what does 3BMSHTR means?
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We've got page nos. instead of just next 20 - thanks Ed!!  Please tell me that it's only just appeared, I've only just noticed (Mon.10:40).
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im a reasonably intelligent man but for the life of me i cant complete a su-doku ,ive tried on numerous occasions but i can get 6-7 numbers and then i get stuck, am i alone in this? am i missing...
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What about including a category to cover genealogy or family history? This is very poular now and people can always help with tips and suggestions of good sites and places to research.
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It's not often I can say that a TV programme affects me in the same way that a good book can but this did... it was beautiful and moving   Sammy
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What sort of computer have you got? I am on my dad's old iMac os 8.6 right now, but usually on work's system with lightning fast broadband. I own an eMac g4 but it crashed some months ago and I can't...
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This is really a Q for the guys..... When I see a beautiful woman on TV or wherever, i secrectly think "cow!" purely out of jealousy (oh yes, im THAT petty!)......and I was wondering if guys thought...
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Is the best contribution a person can make to the environment to not have children?
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how tall are you?
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If the chances of winning the Lottery are 14 million to 1, does that mean that if I bought two tickets, the odds are 14 million to 2 (i.e. 7 million to 1)?
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Who wants to be my 100th answerer?
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Who's got the most answers? I am proud of my paltry 101
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There once was a group of ABers Who sat at their keyboards for years Their postings were witty And sometimes quite gritty I just hope it won't end in tears Got any limericks to...
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Guinessman Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you (etc) Have a great day x x
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how do you find the average of a group of numbers?
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Is there any message being given out when women wear ankle chains on thier left or right ankles
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netibiza this was taken today of my hubby with Film Star John Hurt.  Forgive me if it's the wrong photo.  We all know how good I am at all this!!!
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This evening I parked in my usual private car park to go to the gym/cinema etc. I parked in a bay with the works TAXI painted on the floor.  I (and many other cars) have used these spaces on...

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