This guy is new to me - anyone else familiar with him? Series of short videos with high production values, and a humerous take on religion and the various more confusing elements of god, religion,...
Just been looking at some of these pictures, which I think are great.
Endeavours retirement flight - kind of sad really, end of an era...
So that nice Mr. Clegg has apologised for misleading everyone with the LibDem pledge on tuition fees for higher education, and states that he believes people should acknowledge and apologise when they...
Article in the Grauniad. Apparently, the Malaysian Govt are so concerned that gayness is catching, like the common cold, or a virus perhaps, that they are introducing "how to spot the gays"...
Just finished reading an interesting article about charitable status, tax relief on donations, and the charity commission. I have long felt that the rules surrounding what constitutes a charity are...
It seems that MP expenses have risen sharply this year, and they are pretty much at the same rate as when the MP expenses scandal originally blew up - £90 million between the 650 or so MPs....
I know that circumcision has been discussed before, but I have just read this article, in amazement...... I had never considered Herpes to be a...
"Inside Health" - an R4 show about health matters, has recently run a couple of episodes focusing on the issue of overdiagnosis, particularly with reference to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD),...
Yet more evidence that belief in a fundamentalist worldview turns your brain to mush. In an effort to justify a religiously-inspired belief in the evils of abortion, this looneytunes is left with a...
Saw an advert for this, which seems a little big brother to me, but I did wonder if it does offer large savings in premiums? Anyone using such an insurance scheme?...
I would certainly agree with Mr. Ken Ham that an ark made of a bathtub would be very dangerous - think of the overcrowding, with the giraffes and elephants and all - Whats interesting is that, in the...
So, according to a leaked memo, Scientology are planning to do some extensive promotion and free (?) giveaways of L Ron Hubbards "Way to Happiness". You have to admire their ambition -...
Apparently the US Military are considering creating a valourous conduct medal for drone pilots - for what? because of the risk they run of getting wrist sprain?...
I will be very interested to see the Vaticans response to this latest campaign by the Gates Foundation. All women should have full rights over reproduction, including contraception, and its about time...
From the Grauniad From the article; "Papers released today show that back in 1979, a UFO intelligence officer wondered why aliens would want to visit...
So, it would seem that in Indonesia, posting that you are an atheist , that god does not exist, and some cartoons of muhammed "causes anxiety in religious communities", and is effectively...
25th May - Towel Day! Did you honour the occasion? Are you able to claim, with some pride, that you are " a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is?" - Or is this all leaving you...
A self - proclaimed psychic uses a high profile case of a missing girl to generate some self - publicity and ultimately personal gain. Said charlatan then goes on to express surprise that the parents...
For those of us who like to argue a lot, a nice chart highlighting the most common logical fallacies. Think I have probably been guilty of one or two of these, from time to time ;)...
End of an era, with the shuttle being mothballed. I was amazed at how the jumbo can fly with the shuttle strapped to its back :) Right decision do you think, to end the shuttle program?...