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Really confused, as to Where To Post Questions - Family Topic Heading + 3 sub-sections - Family Life Parenting Pregnancy Where is the line drawn between Family Life and Parenting? Pregnancy .... Many...
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We are still not getting all items listed under the single topic name, and I do not want to trawl through sub sections to find items that may interest me. Please let us have the topics back as they...
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It took almost two months for the 1948 moveable feast to make its way west. But once it was put down and cleaned up, it really began to cook. What is the "car" now called?
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Happy Birthday Pauline on November 4th. O-ice
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Great to have a blog from you Ed .... telling ABers that you ?have been reading them everyday and writing down all the helpful ideas.` The past few weeks have seen a lot of active ABers expressing...
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What happened to the Mythology Section?
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instead of asking us our opinion on fireworks and dogs and the colour of wool in the 18th century, why dont you have a poll in a week or two's time about the changes on the AB??
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This ridiculous system of having the categories sub-divided into sub-categories is intrinsically flawed, as well as being annoying, ridiculous and time-consuming. It is no use giving us gimmicks like...
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AB Editor
We really appreciate your feedback. In making changes to the categories, we've tried to accommodate requests from as many AB users as possible, so you can each make the site truly your own. We're...

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