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Is 12a a straight clue? I.e it does not follow the two thematic elements? Extra time had arisen after foul play? (4,5) Thanks...
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Guardian genius 204 is a special crossword . Requires insertion of words figuratively in all clues I want a hint for 25a Complaint made when one touring America runs off (8) I have -i-a-m-a. Thanks in...
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Please help with 29d. Not as good without flower (5) Extra letter in wordplay is 'o' I have --r-i Thanks once again for all your help...
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12a singer songwriter's number one impressing street. The wordplay is for latter half of 6a In turn killed over fifty - that's nothing The answer to 'that's nothing' Is -w-e-. Wordplay from 12a Number...
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Please help with 12a Singer - songwriter's number one impressing street(4) -a-g This is one of 12 themed questions. Not sure about my crossers Thanks in advance...
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Please help with 23d Runs into Duke incidentally (7) The wordplay for the clue contains one superfluous letter I have T-s---- Many thanks...
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Please give me hints for 2d and 3d. 2d I have -i-e---n-n- Does it end in a number? 3d I have -a-e--- Thanks a lot Thanks also for earlier answer...
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Please give me a hint on 15ac old people as a precaution dropping back (5) I have ---a- Thanks...
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Please help 17a Crooner accepts unexpected sack with... (7) -a-k-n- 22a ... end around broadcast (8) -r-d-r-d Thanks a lot...
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Please help on 17a and 22 a 17a Crooner accepts unexpected sack with ... (7) I have -a-k-n- 22a ... End around broadcast (8) I have -r-d-r-d. Thanks a ton...
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1d. Excited male briefly moans,making complaint (8) Is Melanoma the right answer? Thanks...
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Please help. 14d Rut results from this - it's a plain fact(5,5) I have N---- Truth Is it Naked Truth? Thanks...
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Please help 24D. Note passed on to groom in the past (6) I have ---e--- Thanks...
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Please help on 27d Does it start with "C"? Fish and calamari originally hard to see through glasses(4)...
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Please help re. 21d Maybe noisily and repeatedly engineer raced when given tripe (7) I have ---e--- Thanks...
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Please give a hint for 19ac Note stolen from cells (3)...
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Please help 21ac : old king's missing daughter(7) I have l-a-d--...
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Is the paired answer for 24d Comb? Also please give some hints for 28 ac 21ac 25 dn 19dn...
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Is the paired answer to 9ac McCartney?
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Is the paired answer for 22ac Johnson?

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