keeps posting webcam pics of the hot and sunny place he calls home. It's not fair!!! He is just doing it to make the rest of us feel more miserable than we already are with this WET,WET,WET weather!
When was the last time (since being adult) you felt so annoyed/frustrated/peed off you wanted to throw yourself on the floor, kick your legs, bang your fists and wail like a baby?
Hi guys, My 14 year old lad has come to live with us, he'll more than likely be with us until he starts work. I've been to the schools in our area to try and get him enrolled, they've given me all the...
hope everyone had a nice weekend. outside is miserable, very windy and wet, so i decided to stay in bed longer and enjoy a nice cuppa with cream scone:)))
4 pubs per day are closing in Britain. Are all you non smokers happy and why are you not flooding to the pubs as predicted. Another nail in the coffin of the remnants of British culture.
from her work. he is scotch, but she really likes him. Will it work? what with the language barrier and everything? He's quite old, maybe to old to learn english properly. What do you think?
Goodnight folks. jason bourne signing off. ive added a new alias tonight of meredith 101 so when i ask who am i . i might be her. DTH? nytol mwahhhhhhhhhh BTW IM JASON BOURNE BTW